Friday, August 18, 2006
Thats right 1701 is...
...the registry number from the Starship Enterprise!
It actually seems quite apt that a resolution aimed at bringing an end to the hostilities in the Middle East is representitive of the Enterprise. I only hope that as the Enterprise was a ship of peace promoting unity and non-aggression, that the resolution bearing her number has the same impact on such a troubled region.
Well, here's hoping...
Thursday, August 10, 2006
the news today...
What gets me, is the people who complain about the security measures that have been brought in (see this site for the measures) Yes, these measures are incredibly restrictive, and it will cause difficulties for some people, but at the end of the day, if I were traveling, I would rather have the inconvenience of using a plastic bag that getting blown up. People don't really have perspective in these situations - they just see the immediate effect on themselves.
A few days ago this could have affected me. A lot of flights were cancelled today because of the same security alert. People were stranded all over the world as flights were delayed or cancelled. If you get to the airport, and the line is out of the door do you a) join the line, or b) cut your losses and go home, or c) find another route? What make me laugh is that people actually join the line! I suppose if you are in another country its a bit different, but if its because you're going on your summer holiday, its already effectively been over-shadowed and most cases ruined by that point... So really, what is the point. If I'd still been in New York, I'd have headed back to Illinois - 800 miles the wrong way!
Anyway, I think that's probably enough for now...
America – from the Air…
Baseball fields – and lots of them
Straight lines – fields, streets, to the point where wonky lines look odd (and you can easily spot rivers!)
Urban developments that look like the house grew in the middle of a field (sometimes combined with wonky lines)
It’s all so different. There is so much space. It’s not like home where we are all trying to cram in a finite amount of space. Although it’s not limitless, it is vast enough that new developments are not quite as bad
The above were my initial thoughts on the flight over the US for the first time, over two months ago. On the way back the same things came to mind.
America is, for the most part, purpose built for the modern world, and modern transport. The roads are wide and straight, suited to cars and trucks not horse and cart as a lot of the UK roads are. Fields are divided in straight lines, there aren't really hedges to act as boundaries, and the fields are big. Huge in fact. And in Illinois, with corn growing in them, they seem to go for miles in both width, length, and also in height.
Its actually quite neat. I liked it. It made sense and fitted into my sense of order in the Universe.
That'll do for now I think!
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Outlining the Adventure
Two months ago I set off on my ‘great adventure’. I must admit I was nervous to begin with, and once I got there I did wonder if I’d bitten off more than I could chew. But a few days in, work projects, songs, lesson plans were sorted. I had received training in running COPE games (team-building games), learnt how to look after Scout Troops from arrival through to departure (Commissioning), and all too soon the first Troops were at the gates and the Camp season has officially begun.
So after visits to
I’ve written a lot of the entries that I want to post… and some that maybe I don’t… which I will post over the next few days and weeks. A lot of stuff happened; some of it will mean nothing to anyone but… well… me. Anyway I’ll keep the stuff coming as long as: a) I have stories to tell, and b) people find it interesting.
Hope you enjoy